Goal Setting Made Easy

There is no such thing as the perfect time! 


Let’s get out of the cycle which keeps us stagnant. There is no perfect time; the time is now! I have always been a planner. I regularly wrote my goals and built them on paper. I, too, went around in circles at one point, helping everyone else fulfill desires but my own. I was stuck waiting for the perfect time when I would have more than enough money. At the most financially pressing time of my life, I built a business and authored a bestseller. Had I waited; I would not be able to bear witness to how just doing it works. Daily I work on Personal Development Plans for those who desire a step-by-step process to achieve their goals. Sometimes, we do not know where to start. Some do not have support, and others lack motivation because we have procrastinated for far too long. The time is ripe right now to make that investment in yourself and build your own. Can you imagine turning your passion into profit, putting all of your energy into something to call your own, breaking cycles, and controlling what, when, and how? Let’s get it!!


Do you own a journal? 

Writing has so many benefits. Writing your ideas and goals makes them real. It helps to define, hone and improve skill sets. Start your journal with where you are and where you want to be. If you are currently employed using your skill set to boost a company’s profits, you can use those same skills to grow your own. Don’t quit your job “by faith.” We have to have wisdom. This means creating a plan, executing your project, and planning your quit day. Everything we do requires organization. Journals are not only used to write about how you feel. They are multifaceted. Purchase one that speaks to you and your desired use. I have found planners with journal pages giving me an extraordinary two for one. 

"Behind every goal is a destination."

Make sure your goals are SMART!








Each goal you set should have these characteristics to ensure achievement. Your goal should be clear and specific to maintain focus. When drafting your plans, select one at a time and answer the questions below:


What do I want to accomplish?

Why is this goal important?

Who will I be, my accountability partner?

What resources are involved?


It’s essential to have measurable goals so that you can track your progress and stay motivated. Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieving your goal.

Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities but remain possible.


A SMART goal must be realistic in that given the available resources and time, success is guaranteed. If you believe it, accomplishing it is possible.  Ask yourself:

1.     Is the goal realistic and within reach?

2.     Is the goal reachable given the time and resources?

3.     Are you able to commit to achieving the goal?


Every goal needs a target date for accountability purposes. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over your longer-term goals.

A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions:


What can I do six months from now?

What can I do six weeks from now?

What can I do today?

Thanks for reading!
If the information shared was helpful please share on your platforms. Struggling with where to start, schedule a FREE discovery call by visiting my website:


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