Digital Declutter
Yesterday I intentionally decluttered my Facebook page. I left more than 50 groups. It was the most liberating feeling EVER. I honestly felt lighter every time I selected the "Leave Group" button. Some groups served me no purpose at this point in my life, and it was time to leave. Remaining in those groups was only taking up the space I needed for where I am in life. In my opinion, the best part of decluttering is the room it makes for the new. Before I started a business, my focus was on other things; now that I am in business, my interests shifted. I am only interested in what will make me a better businesswoman; I am interested in continuing education courses. I am interested in learning from those who have gone before me. So yes, my tastes have changed; therefore, so did my social media accounts. I hope you caught that nugget and make it applicable to more than just social media groups, hello somebody!!!!! You may need to leave ...